Although our site is not based in the United States, we respect the intellectual property rights of copyright holders and voluntarily comply with the Notice and Takedown provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (« DMCA »). We do not permit copyright infringement or violations of intellectual property rights on our site, and we will promptly remove any content if properly notified of infringements of third-party intellectual property rights. Repeat infringers will have their access and/or privileges revoked.
Our site (« site ») qualifies as a « Service Provider » under 17 U.S.C. §512(k)(1) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (« DMCA ») and, as such, is entitled to certain protections against copyright infringement claims under the DMCA, commonly referred to as the « safe harbor » provisions.
We have also appointed a specific DMCA Agent, whose details are provided below.
We take claims of copyright infringement very seriously and respond promptly to such notices. If you are a copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of a copyright owner, you may submit a DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement to us, including the following information:
The notice can be sent to: [email protected]
Our site follows a “notification and takedown” procedure upon receipt of any notice of claimed copyright infringement. We reserve the right to disable access to or remove any material that is infringing or that shows clear signs of infringement. It is our firm policy to suspend the accounts of repeat infringers, where appropriate.
If the notice does not meet the requirements of the DMCA but contains at least three of the necessary elements to identify infringing sites, we will attempt to contact the complaining party to help them comply with the notice requirements. Upon receiving a valid notice, we will promptly remove or disable access to the infringing material and notify the affected user.
The affected user may submit a counter-notification. Once the counter-notification is received, we will replace the material within 10-14 days unless we receive notice that a court action has been filed seeking an injunction to stop the infringing activity.
Abusing the DMCA notice procedure or making false statements in a DMCA notice or counter-notification may result in legal liability for damages, court costs, and attorney’s fees under U.S. federal law (17 U.S.C. §512(f)). The DMCA notice and takedown procedures apply only to claims of copyright infringement, not to other types of abuse or legal claims. We will investigate and take action against any abuse of the DMCA process.
If the recipient of a Notice of Claimed Infringement (“Notice”) believes the Notice is erroneous or false, or that the allegedly infringing material was wrongly removed, the recipient may submit a counter-notification under Section 512(g)(2)&(3) of the DMCA. A counter-notification is the proper method for disputing the removal or disabling of material.
The counter-notification must contain:
The DMCA Agent is solely dedicated to handling copyright infringement notices and will not respond to general customer service inquiries. All questions related to payments, cancellations, or other inquiries must be directed to our customer service department.
It is our policy to terminate access to our site and revoke privileges from anyone we determine to be a “repeat infringer.” Repeat infringement is determined at our sole discretion but will include any individual who has been the subject of more than one copyright infringement notice.
In the event that the alleged infringer identified in an intended DMCA Notice is, itself, operating as a “Service Provider” within the meaning of 17 U.S.C. §512(k)(1), our site requests that any such DMCA Notices relating to alleged infringement by third party users, customers or subscribers of such service providers be submitted directly to the DMCA Agent designated by the service provider instead of our site.
Our site reserves the right to modify, alter or add to this policy, and all affected persons should regularly check back regularly to stay current on any such changes.
Please note that the DMCA Agent is not associated with our site in any other capacity. Customer service inquiries, payment questions, and cancellation requests will not receive a response. All such communications must be directed to our site’s customer service department.
Ce site est strictement reserve aux adultes. Je certifie sur l honneur :
1) être majeur selon la loi en vigueur dans mon pays de résidence,
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2) utiliser tous les moyens permettant d empécher l accès de ce service à tout mineur,
3) ne pas poursuivre la société éditrice de toute action judiciaire.
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