We are a motley crew, representing every corner of fandom from every walk of life, and we value the diversity of people and opinions as our greatest strength. Our community is the most important aspect of the site, and your ads, your comments and conversations are the best part. This Moderation Policy is intended to ensure that all Website users and visitors are able to participate in an exchange of information and ideas in a positive, constructive and beneficial way.
This service includes many differing opinions and experiences. You may find opinions that you disagree with. Our aim at all times is to provide a place where the maximum discussion can take place.
We try to be as fair as we can when moderating but in a large community of users, with many different viewpoints, there will always be some people that will not be happy with our moderation policies. While we regret that this happens, we cannot suit all of the people all of the time and have to make decisions based on what is best for the website overall.
It is the responsibility of all members of the website to maintain the website environment.
You can be a good user by:
Report abuse by informing the site Moderator. Please note that abuse reports are confidential and are not seen by the abuser. You must contact the Escorts69.lu Moderator either by email to us at [email protected]
If you feel you have been defamed or libelled in the website, your first step should be to contact the Moderator to have the offending post removed. The Moderator’s e mail address is [email protected]
The Moderator may or may not accept that the issue you highlight is actually abusive under our rules.
As a member you will have the opportunity to post comments on the Website. Users can post comments using an alternative alias to protect their identity. If you provide a comment/message and it is deemed inappropriate, Moderators may edit or delete comments. If you still don’t understand why you were moderated then email the Moderator at [email protected]
Then please do not post materials on the escorts69.lu site.
If you decide to leave the Website, we will delete your old posts.
We cannot guarantee that we will moderate any post or topic in a timely manner.
We cannot guarantee to moderate any post or topic completely.
Contents posted at this site are the sole opinion and responsibility of the poster. We have the right to edit, delete, transfer, keep posts at our sole discretion.
The Website is expected to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to unforeseen circumstances such as power outages and system failures. Content can be submitted at any time. However, given the need to manage provincial resources, Content may not be reviewed and posted immediately. Moderating and posting of Content will generally occur during regular business hours Monday through Friday, excluding statutory holidays in Cyprus. Content submitted outside of these hours will be reviewed and posted at the earliest opportunity.
Please be aware that most government information, including the contents of the Website, may be the subject of a freedom of information request. Please consider this when submitting Content as it is possible that some or all of the Content will be disclosed publically under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
To protect your privacy, do not include your phone number, e-mail address or other personal information you would not wish to be disclosed publically in the body of any Content submitted for posting on the Website.
Always be respectful of other users, the system, and the Moderator.
Escorts69.lu Website are not a venue for unsolicited advertisements of any kind. It will be the sole discretion of the Moderator as to what constitutes an advertisement and will remove these as necessary.
Do not directly insult other users on the website. Personal insults do not contribute to the discussion. If someone insults you, do not insult them back or you will be given a warning. Please report the abuse instead to the Moderator.
Please stay within the topic area of the section you are posting a message in, and within any topic that another poster may have started. A certain amount of straying from the topic can be expected, but we will warn and delete posts that try to hijack a discussion about one topic into another.
Posts inciting illegal behaviour are not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to posts discussing places to steal items, to copy or hack software, etc.
Claims of action, flames, and calls to action against any company or person will be removed. We will remove any direct attacks on corporations and individuals in those corporations, unless they are the topic of the news item.
We will delete images that are disturbing to visitors and users, such as images of violence, death, pornographic or nudity. We will also delete oversized pictures. Please keep your pictures less than 800 pixels wide.
They are difficult to read and many people think they are the equivalent of shouting.
We will check for materials that may be defamatory, infringe copyright or other Intellectual Property Rights, or are illegal for any other reason, including, but not limited to, Contempt of Court, pornography, or promoting terrorism and reserve the right to delete or amend any materials that in the Moderator’s reasonable opinion are likely to fall foul of the law.
The Moderator’s decision is always final.
If you have questions about this Moderation Policy or how it is applied, please contact at [email protected]
Ce site est strictement reserve aux adultes. Je certifie sur l honneur :
1) être majeur selon la loi en vigueur dans mon pays de résidence,
2) être informé du caractère pour adultes de cette partie du site,
3) que mon pays de résidence m autorise à consulter ce service,
Je m engage sur l honneur à :
1) ne pas faire état de l existence de ce service et à ne pas en diffuser le contenu à des mineurs,
2) utiliser tous les moyens permettant d empécher l accès de ce service à tout mineur,
3) ne pas poursuivre la société éditrice de toute action judiciaire.
Le site internet ESCORTS69.LU est reserve e un public majeur
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